balance your hormones, functional testing, iv therapy

Are you exhausted and your day just started?

Let me level with you. Now that your kids are back in school it’s time to focus on your own health. You spend so much time taking care of others, now it’s your turn to be taken care of! You deserve to feel your best. If you have been living with symptoms of hormone imbalances (PMS, PMDD, PCOS, Endometriosis, heavy periods, etc.), it’s time to make an appointment with me to have your hormones checked.

These symptoms you are living with – they are not just a mom thing. You do not have to power through and hope for the best somewhere down the line. It is possible for you to feel great…RIGHT NOW!

Here’s what may be happening. Hormone production may be slowing down and tapering off, or your body may not be breaking down hormones properly, leading to hormone imbalance among other potential scenarios. Although it can happen at any time – hormone imbalance – we tend to dismiss the symptoms as part of a busy “mom life.”

While it is common to think of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone when discussing hormone imbalance, there are many other hormone imbalances that could be causing your symptoms. It could be that your Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis isn’t functioning properly. The glands of the HPA axis regulate your stress response, and consequently your endocrine, nervous and immune systems. If one of these glands or systems is off, it can throw additional hormones out of balance.

When hormones that correspond with your HPA axis are out of balance, such as insulin, cortisol or melatonin, it can leave you feeling off. You might notice fluctuations in:

  • Mood
  • Weight
  • Energy
  • Heartbeat
  • Bowel habits
  • Sleep

These systems are interconnected. When they are not normalized it’s possible for your entire hormonal atmosphere to become dysregulated leaving you feeling less than stellar.

But it’s totally manageable and I’ll tell you how.

We highly encourage people to establish care with a naturopathic doctor to get proper, effective and comprehensive panels that we can then interpret to help you get the best possible outcome for your situation. We get to the root of your symptoms to help your body perform optimally. And a naturopathic approach to hormonal balance actually integrates your care from every perspective.

Here are just some modalities we might suggest for a woman wondering if the cause of her symptoms goes deeper than being a “busy mom”:


Generally speaking, a blood test can measure the level of hormones – estrogen, progesterone and testosterone – present in your body. But blood tests alone don’t give you the big picture. That’s where the DUTCH test comes in.

At Neighborhood Naturopathic we offer functional testing that goes steps further than a typical blood panel a conventional medical doctor might rely on. In fact, the DUTCH test indicates the level, types, and fluctuation of hormones over time found in your body as measured from a urine sample. Together with your blood panel, information from the DUTCH test can identify hormone imbalances and help to create a big picture look at the overall function of your body and its systems.

Learn more about the services we offer.


Our IV Clinic is now open and serving patients with an individualized approach to wellness. IV Nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream in the most efficient way. Better yet, we can customize the contents of the IV to fit your specific needs.

Our hormone support drip has the potential to reduce or relieve symptoms such as hot flashes, menstrual cramps, bloating, and irregular menstrual cycles.

Schedule time at the IV Clinic.


An important naturopathic modality is food as medicine. Here’s some information on Turmeric that I shared awhile back:

“Turmeric, also known as Curcumin, is so widely discussed these days that I am fairly confident many reading this recognize its name. If you don’t, allow me to provide a brief introduction.

An anti-inflammatory superstar, turmeric that has been around for thousands of years. It is also, quite possibly, the most studied herb with 554 peer-reviewed articles referenced on PubMed in 2019 alone. Highly acclaimed by traditional herbalists and ancient cultures, it’s high level of anti-oxidants and potent curcuminoids (Turmeric’s active anti-inflammatory component) pack a powerful 1-2 punch in the fight against all things inflammation.

In fact, turmeric is so powerful, it boasts a long laundry list of chronic conditions it can benefit (with evidence).”

Read more about the power of Turmeric.



In our online dispensary, we have the ability to offer nutritional and herbal supplements that can support hormonal balance on a daily basis.

Here are a few supplements we might suggest for women dealing with hormonal imbalances:

Visit our online dispensary.

Especially in times of fluctuation, supplementation can work to regulate your body’s systems and can help to put your hormones back into balance.

A naturopathic approach to wellness offers many ways to address the causes of your symptoms and will give you back autonomy and agency over your own health care needs.

Most importantly, I want you to know that you can feel like yourself again.

Neighborhood Naturopathic uses holistic and natural medicine, proven treatments and alternative therapies to help your body heal. If you live in the Minneapolis/ St. Paul area and are curious about a naturopathic approach to your health or have questions about supplements, or IV Nutrient Therapy that might support your overall wellness, click here to schedule or call (612) 259-8529.

If you are interested in learning more ways that naturopathic medicine supports health and wellness in your life, sign up for our monthly newsletter where we give insider tips and tricks about living well.