Wound and Tissue Healing IV Treatment

Wound and Tissue Healing


The use of IV nutrient therapy for wound healing and surgery can help speed up the healing process by providing the body with essential nutrients. It should be administered after injury, and before and after surgery to obtain optimal results.

IV nutrient therapy provides a high dose of essential nutrients directly to the body’s cells, which proponents claim can help speed up the healing process. IV nutrient therapy is also said to have a number of other benefits, including improved energy levels, improved immune system function, and reduced inflammation.

Why Receive Wound and Tissue Healing IV?

  • Pre and post-surgery protocol
  • Athletic or orthopedic injury
  • Prepare or recover from peak performance
  • Support wound healing
  • Support collagen production

Our Wound and Tissue Healing Formula Includes:

Selenium: This trace mineral plays critical roles in DNA synthesis, protection from oxidative damage, thyroid hormone metabolism, aids in cancer prevention, and is vital for immune functioning. Low levels are associated with high cholesterol and triglycerides.

Zinc: Zinc is essential for immune function, would healing, protein synthesis, with an apparent direct antiviral effect. Zinc is also vitalfor detoxifying environmental and metal toxins in the body. Low levels are associated with increased risk for type 2 diabetes, many cancers, and cardiovascular disease.

Magnesium: This is an essential electrolyte and mineral. It takes part in more than 500 metabolic processes. Low levels are associated with cramping, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, elevated C-reactive protein, hypertension, osteoporosis, migraine, asthma, colon cancer.

Dexapanthenol: This is a useful nutrient for depression, insomnia, cardiac disease supporting immune response, fatigue, nervous system disease, and abnormally low cholesterol. It aids in bowel function and decreased potassium levels as well as helping with stamina.

Pyridoxine(B6): This is a coenzyme for amino acid, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. Helps with weight loss, immune support, skin issues, neurological and neuromuscular disease. Vitamin B6 can help with cancer and diabetic neuropathies.

B-complex: Promotes liver function and aids in protecting the immune system. Provides support for hair, skin, and nails. Promotes the breakdown of fat and carbohydrates in the body, and is vital for improving energy.

Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C): Helps with wound healing, supportive for patients receiving cancer treatments, enhances immune function, can increase stem cell production, reduces inflammation, increases collagen production, and is a powerful antioxidant.

Proline: Helps heal wounds and repair skin and surrounding tissue, supports digestive health, helps prevent joint pain, supports the cardiovascular system, contributes to a healthy metabolism, and fights inflammation.

Lysine: Required for the synthesis of collagen and protein. Helps regulate calcium absorption and metabolism. Great for treating viruses of all kinds, including cold sores (herpes simplex type 1, 2), helps decrease anxiety, decreases blood pressure, pain, and improves bone density.

Glycine: Vital for synthesis of glutathione, heme (iron), creatine, and nucleic acids. Protects the liver and is a vital component in detoxification. Helps reduce stress, promotes weight-loss, increases immune response, and improves gastrointestinal disorders. Helps improve sleep, and may decrease chance for ischemic stroke.

Taurine: Helps to detoxify the body of environmental toxins and protect from drug-induced organ injury. Taurine has been shown to reduce reperfusion ischemic injury and support endothelial function. Supports protection of the liver, increases exercise capacity and stamina. Reduces inflammation, and protects against fibrosis.

Why Should You Get IV Nutritional Therapy if You Are Having Surgery?

One benefit of surgical wounds, is you know they’re coming. You can start the wound management process early by getting any necessary vitamin supplementation before your scheduled surgery.

Insufficient nutrition impairs wound healing and leaves surgical patients more susceptible to post-operative complications. By providing optimal IV nutritional supplementation before and after surgery we can positively influence your surgical outcome. The risk of complications also increases if you already have other known medical conditions. This increases the importance of optimal perioperative nutrition. Patients who are poorly nourished, overweight, and/or have diabetes or other health problems are particularly prone to surgery-related complications, including wound infection and poor healing.

Most Americans consume diets too high in calories and deficient in essential nutrients. We are known as a malnourished and overfed population. More than 70% of American adults do not even get two-thirds of the RDA for 1 or more nutrients and the RDA is only enough to prevent a deficiency disease (i.e. Rickets, Beriberi, Scurvy) but not enough for your optimal healing. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is notably poor in the consumption of fruits and vegetables – foods with high micronutrient density. American meals, loaded with packaged, processed, nutrient-poor foods, contribute to nutrient deficiencies that result in a shortage of micronutrients and antioxidants – particularly important to surgical patients undergoing anesthesia, trauma, and wound healing.

Deficits in micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, vitamin B6 & D (to name a few) have a negative influence on the immune response. Perioperative IV supplementation can have a significant and measurable effect on your surgical outcome by favorably affecting 4 primary mechanisms: reduction of oxidation generated by surgery and anesthetic agents, enhancement of immunity, reduction of bruising, swelling, and inflammation and promotion of wound healing.  Beneficial antioxidants can deactivate unstable free radicals resulting from trauma or surgery, thereby playing an important role in the prevention of further damage. Vitamins, minerals and nutrients such as carotenoids, vitamin A and C, selenium, bioflavonoids and glutathione act as antioxidants. Specific amino acids are needed for tissue building and others actually increase healing. Specific nutrients stimulate anabolic (“building”) hormones and reduce catabolic (“breaking down”) hormones. Zinc, selenium, vitamin B6 & D and other nutrients mobilize and improve immune function while decreasing inflammation. This is important because during surgery it has been documented that the blood and tissue levels of nutrients decrease while the body’s requirement for them increases.

IV pre and post-operative nutrition is the solution to optimal perioperative nutrition and can decrease bruising, swelling, inflammation, pain, scarring, and infection rates. It will also significantly improve wound healing and recovery time.

If You Have or Plan Any of the Following, You Owe It to Yourself to Come Get IV Nutritional Supplementation:

Bariatric Surgery

Very important in your case because it is likely your diet has been high in macronutrients and low in micronutrients – i.e. foods that don’t support healing.

  • Gastric Band
  • Gastric Bypass
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy

Cosmetic Procedure

For cosmetic purposes, you want the best healing, least scarring you can achieve.

  • Botox
  • Chemical Peel
  • Cosmetic Laser
  • Cosmetic PRP (Vampire Lift)
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Dermabrasion
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Fat Transplants
  • Hair Transplants
  • Implants
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Laser Skin Resurfacing
  • Liposuction
  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Spider Vein Treatment
  • Vaginal Rejuvenation

Gastrointestinal Surgery

Very important because you are likely to have poor digestion and absorption from your gastrointestinal tract before and after surgery.

  • Dental
  • Esophageal
  • Gall Bladder
  • Intestinal
  • Laryngeal
  • Liver
  • Pancreas
  • Pharynx
  • Rectum
  • Throat

Major Surgery

Very important with surgeries with a long recovery time, you are less likely to eat as well because of pain, decreased appetite, limitation of mobility (to ensure adequate nutrition), institutional food, etc.

  • Abdominal
  • Brain/Cranial
  • Cardiovascular
  • Gynecologic
  • Head/Neck
  • Neurologic
  • Orthopedic
  • Pelvic
  • Pulmonary
  • Thoracic
  • Urologic
  • Vertebral/Disc

Cancer Surgery

High-level nutrition is one of the main Functional Medicine treatments for cancer. Fighting cancer is best done with high-level nutritional support of the immune system. Surgery taxes your immune system nutritionally even further while it is already hard at work fighting your cancer.


Anywhere you want quicker healing time to get back to your life sooner and fewer complications that could be expensive or debilitating to life-threatening.

  • Dermal injections
  • Joint injections
  • Laparoscopic
  • Major surgery
  • Minor surgery
  • Orthoscopic surgery
  • Small Incision


Require healing as the needle injures the dermis in the skin while impregnating it with ink. Your tattoo can heal much more quickly with less pain and less chance of scar, keloid formation or possible infection.


IV nutrient supplementation is very important in these situations. Whenever you experience bodily injury, trauma or burns – inflammation, oxidative stress and physical/emotional/mental stress all skyrocket and your immune system is mobilized to deal with it. This takes a tremendous amount of work and energy. With each biochemical reaction (of which there are millions) requiring every nutrient, your nutrient needs increase drastically.