Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) at Neighborhood Naturopathic in Minneapolis St Paul

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) at Neighborhood Naturopathic

We are pleased to announce that our Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) program is here. Beneficial to both men and women, you don’t have to survive hormonal fluctuation, but you can THRIVE and enjoy an optimal life in your 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond!

Dr. Litchy-Miller, ND, is here to answer the most frequently asked questions about BHRT. We hope you find this treatment as life-changing as we do.

Introduction to BHRT

What is BHRT, and how is it different from traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?

Dr. Litchy-Miller: BHRT is a unique form of hormone therapy that greatly differs from other forms of hormone replacement. Chemically identical to human hormones, bioidentical hormones can help women and men suffering from hormone deficiencies, dominances, or imbalances return to optimal hormone levels and eliminate debilitating symptoms from interfering with their everyday life.

Patients often seek to balance hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, pregnenolone, melatonin, and DHEA.

Safety and Side Effects of BHRT

Is BHRT safe? Are there any side effects?

Dr. Litchy-Miller: Conventional HRT comes in prepackaged doses. At Neighborhood Naturopathic, we provide personalized BHRT dosing that you cannot get with conventional HRT. An individualized plan to balance your hormones ensures you can experience the results you want!

Custom personalized dosing and excellent medical management will reduce the likelihood of unwanted side effects. However, the lack of preservatives one might commonly find in conventional HRT will minimize the possibility of allergic response and overall reaction with BHRT.

Organically sourced, BHRT is made without binders, dyes, and preservatives found in other commercially made hormone products. BHRT is derived from plants, mainly soy and wild yam.

Some side effects of BHRT could include:

  • Balanced moods:  You may experience decreased or resolved feelings of irritability, anxiety, and depression. Your emotions may feel more “even,” and your overall mental health and well-being may improve.
  • Increased sex drive:  BHRT not only increases sexual desire, but it can also improve sexual function while increasing the quality and quantity of orgasms.
  • Better sleep: Hormone imbalance affects the hypothalamus, the area of the brain that regulates sleep. Restoring that balance helps decrease insomnia and gets you back to a more predictable sleep pattern while increasing the amount of deep, restorative sleep.
  • Fat loss and improved muscle mass: Low estrogen levels make it hard to lose body fat, while low testosterone levels negatively affect muscle tone. Replacing these hormones helps to eliminate both problems.

Candidate Suitability for BHRT

Am I a good candidate for BHRT?

Dr. Litchy-Miller: You may be a good candidate for BHRT if you experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Hot Flashes and Night Sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety, Depression, and Irritability
  • Memory lapses and trouble concentrating
  • Low libido
  • Weight Gain, or inability to lose weight
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia and Sleep Apnea
  • Lack and Loss of Muscle Tone

We see the benefits of BHRT for patients who are going through thyroid disease, PCOS, menopause, perimenopause, and andropause.

Administration Methods of BHRT

How do you administer BHRT (e.g., pills, creams, patches)?

Dr. Litchy-Miller: BHRT may be administered in various ways, including orally, topically, and subcutaneously. Each patient is treated as an individual, and the administration of BHRT represents that. We do not believe one size fits all.

Timeline for BHRT Benefits

How long does it take to feel the benefits of BHRT?

Dr. Litchy-Miller: The benefits of BHRT are specific to the patient. Some have reported feeling the effects after a few days, others a few weeks. Most patients notice the shift towards optimal health in the 6-8 week range.

BHRT Consultation at Neighborhood Naturopathic

What can I expect during a consultation for BHRT at Neighborhood Naturopathic?

Dr. Litchy-Miller: During your initial consultation, you can expect a listening ear from a medical expert who will help you get to the root of your symptoms and concerns.

  • Step One – Schedule an introductory consultation and a comprehensive blood panel.
  • Step Two – Given the hormonal data from your blood work and by listening to your wellness objectives, we create an individualized BHRT plan that is just right for you.
  • Step Three – After administration, we continue an ongoing partnership with you to ensure that you achieve and maintain optimal hormone balance.

Ready to go from surviving to thriving in mid-life?

At Neighborhood Naturopathic we believe in an integrative approach to hormone balance. We are ready to help you function at optimal levels. Let’s discuss the right treatment plan for you. We offer a complimentary new patient consultation. Just call us at (612) 259-8529 or schedule online.


Dr. Andrew Litchy and Dr. Margaret Litchy-Miller are Naturopathic Doctors practicing in the Minneapolis/ St. Paul Area. Neighborhood Naturopathic is located in Edina, MN.