A forest with light shining through, representing a guide to colorectal cancer and colon cancer naturopathic treatments


Although her diet hadn’t really changed, her bowel movements had. She often felt like she still had to relieve herself even after using the restroom. Blood was present when she had hard or soft stools – and regardless of what she ate her stools vacillated between the two. Sometimes there would be cramping, bloating and gas. She was exhausted. She had a feeling something was wrong and rather than pushing through the discomfort she checked in with a doctor.

It was beneficial she sought help right away because as it turned out her survival depended on it. The diagnosis this patient was given was colorectal cancer (sometimes referred to as Colon Cancer). Understanding the symptoms of colorectal cancer and seeking help can make a difference in the outcome.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, but having knowledge of colorectal cancer is timeless. Here are three quick facts you should know:

  1. Most colorectal cancers start as a growth on the inner lining of the colon or rectum. 
  2. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.
  3. However, regular screening and early detection show a decrease in colorectal cancer deaths and an increase in survival.

Lifestyle choices affect the chance of developing colorectal cancer. A sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition resulting in obesity, smoking, and excessive alcohol increase the risk factors of colorectal cancer. African Americans, those who are Jewish with European descent, people with a history of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, or Crohn’s Disease, should be particularly aware.

Colorectal cancer is preventable and the number one way is by being aware of your family history. It can be hard to detect colorectal cancer initially, so it’s important to:

  • Get screened regularly by colonoscopy starting at age 50 for those considered “low risk”.
  • Lower your weight by adding regular movement and exercise to your daily routine.
  • Improve nutrition by adding fruits, vegetables and whole grains and by eliminating processed foods (especially processed meat).
  • Supplement your diet with a multivitamin, probiotics and omega fatty acids.

Not only can Neighborhood Naturopathic counsel you on beneficial lifestyle changes, we also offer natural options that can help you prevent colorectal cancer. If you know someone or have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer, a high dose IV vitamin C is a good thing to consider. Studies show “that the pharmacological action of [vitamin C] can attack various processes that cancerous cells use for their growth and development.” (Mussa) In the Neighborhood Naturopathic clinic, our pro oxidative IV treatment – Mega C – can be beneficial in the prevention of cancer and also supportive during conventional cancer treatment.

To supplement your diet as a preventative measure, take advantage of these products in our dispensary:

Daily Multi-Vitamin – This moderate potency multiple vitamin/mineral/trace element supplement is just 2 tablets, yet provides significant amounts of essential nutrients in well-utilized forms. It is ideal as a convenient daily support formula.

Probiotic Complete – A robust, broad-spectrum, hypoallergenic formula containing 25 billion CFU per capsule of a Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium blend.

Complete Omega+ – 820 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) per soft gel as natural triglycerides, the preferred form with superior absorption. Vitamin E (as mixed tocopherols) and rosemary extract are used to ensure maximum purity and freshness.

If you are experiencing significant gastrointestinal disruption, don’t wait to get checked out. The doctors at Neighborhood Naturopathic are here to join your team in cancer prevention and treatment. If you live in the Minneapolis/ St. Paul area and are curious about a naturopathic approach to your health or have questions about supplements, or IV Nutrient Therapy that might support your overall wellness, click here to schedule or call (612) 259-8529.

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