IV Therapy, IV Nutrition Therapy, Cancer, Chronic Illness, Hormonal Imbalance, Naturopathic Medicine St. Paul

We are thrilled to announce our IV (intravenous) Nutrition Clinic at Neighborhood Naturopathic. We now offer a dedicated space where you can relax and unwind while receiving personalized IV nutrients created specifically for you and your unique health and wellness needs.

Why IV Therapy?

By receiving nutrients intravenously, you are bypassing the entire gastrointestinal system, which means that nutrients given by an IV will go directly into your cells! Nutrients do not have to be reabsorbed into the blood stream after being ingested orally when given by IV.  This can be especially important for people who have gastrointestinal issues (leaky gut, IBS, cancer patients, chronically ill patients, etc).

Is Neighborhood Naturopathic’s IV Nutrition Program right for you?

It is!  Especially if your primary health concern fits into one of these three categories:

You are a cancer patient. 

Many cancer patients can benefit from high dose vitamin C.   Providing vitamin C to cancer patients through IV actually has a PRO-oxidative effect, rather than the anti-oxidative effect that we are more used to understanding vitamin C to have.  Pro-oxidative doses of vitamin C  have been shown to potentiate chemotherapy treatments, reduce side effects such as neuropathy, and improve overall quality of life for patients when given correctly and safely by a knowledgeable, skilled, and highly trained medical professional.

You are living with a chronic illness.

Many patients living with chronic illnesses such as Lyme disease, degenerative diseases, and environmental toxicity struggle with digestive absorption, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and proper immune function, among other things.

IV therapy including options such as with multi-mineral nutrients, glutathione, and phosphatidyl choline can provide the immune support chronic illness patients need, while also reducing inflammation, assisting in pain management and chronic fatigue, and aiding the body in healthy detoxification of toxins.

You have hormone imbalances.

If you are living with hormonal imbalances such as PMDD, perimenopause, PCOS, or endometriosis to name a few, you know how disruptive hormonal imbalance can be in day-to-day life!

Women (and men!) experiencing hormonal imbalance are perfect candidates for our IV nutrient therapy!  Receiving specific nutrients intravenously, such as B6 and glutathione, will help support healthy hormone detoxification pathways and breakdown.  While the addition of amino acids, such as taurine, has been shown to help relieve symptoms of perimenopause while having a calming effect by regulating neuron excitability.

IV Nutrient Therapy at Neighborhood Naturopathic! 

We cannot wait to have you experience how effective and powerful this form of naturopathic medicine can be.  Schedule your IV Clinic appointment today, and come see our beautiful, relaxing and rejuvenating space while receiving the IV nutrients from our professional and skilled nursing staff.

Neighborhood Naturopathic uses holistic and natural medicine, proven treatments and alternative therapies to help your body heal. If you live in the Minneapolis/ St. Paul area and are curious about a naturopathic approach to your health or have questions about supplements,  or IV Nutrient Therapy that might support your overall wellness, click here to schedule or call (612) 259-8529.

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