dark green background to represent Naturopathic Consultation for Magnesium Deficiency with the overlay of words saying 'understanding magnesium' Neighborhood Naturopathic in Minneapolis St Paul

Understanding Magnesium

Magnesium is crucial to a healthy functioning body, and yet we rarely hear about its deficiency in relation to major health issues. From “protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation” (NIH, 2022), simply put, magnesium helps our bodies work better.

Yet, despite its immense value, studies suggest almost half of Americans are deficient in this important nutrient (NIH, 2018). Silently, magnesium deficiency may be contributing to a wealth of issues, impacting everything from fatigue and migraines to blood flow, anxiety, sleep disorders and even heart disease (NIH, 2022).

Processed foods, refined grains, and sugary drinks, staples of the Western diet, are notoriously low in Magnesium. Add to that, factors like chronic stress, digestive issues, and certain medications, it’s not surprising many find themselves magnesium-deficient (NIH, 2021).

While a blood test can definitively diagnose a deficiency, some telltale signs may point you in the right direction. Do you experience (Healthline 2023):

  • Muscle cramps, twitches, or fatigue?
  • Headaches, migraines, or anxiety?
  • Difficulty sleeping or restless sleep?
  • Constipation or irregular bowel movements?

If these symptoms sound familiar, you could be missing out on the magic of magnesium.

At Neighborhood Naturopathic, we believe in addressing the root cause of health concerns, not just masking symptoms. Recognizing the critical role magnesium plays, we offer various ways to help you repair magnesium deficiency:

STEP ONE. Consult with one of our Naturopathic Doctors to determine if magnesium deficiency is and underlying cause or contributor to your symptoms.

Our experienced doctors will delve deeper into your health history, symptoms, and lifestyle to assess your individual needs. They can:

  • Perform comprehensive functional testing: We use a blood panel to accurately gauge your magnesium levels and identify any underlying issues contributing to the deficiency.
  • Develop a personalized plan: This plan might include dietary modifications, targeted supplementation recommendations, and other lifestyle changes that can help to address the specific reasons behind your depletion.

STEP TWO: We’ll help you understand the right formulation of magnesium that can help alleviate your symptoms.

Did you know there are many different formulations of magnesium? We can help you choose the right supplement for your situation. Here are some examples of magnesium and how it is used for certain symptoms (Healthline 2023):

  • Magnesium citrate: highly absorbable, good for constipation relief
  • Magnesium chloride: can be used to treat heartburn and constipation, if applied topically can be used to relieve sore muscles
  • Magnesium lactate: gentle and easily digestible; alternative to other forms of magnesium when needed in high doses
  • Magnesium malate: supports energy production and muscle function
  • Magnesium taurate: helps with high blood sugar and high blood pressure
  • Magnesium L-threonate: may benefit brain health and cognitive function
  • Magnesium sulfate (epsom salts): helps with sore muscles
  • Magnesium glycinate: has a calming effect that can help with mood and sleep
  • Magnesium orotate: can help with heart health

STEP THREE: Choose the right delivery method for your body.

Our well-stocked dispensary offers a wide range of high-quality magnesium supplements in various forms:

  • Capsules and tablets: These offer a convenient option for daily intake.
  • Powders: Easily mixed into smoothies or drinks for better absorption.

For a quick and potent boost, consider our IV Clinic, particularly the Meyer’s Cocktail which contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, including a healthy dose of magnesium. This direct delivery bypasses the digestive system, ensuring optimal absorption and immediate effects.

Remember, addressing magnesium deficiency is not a one-size-fits-all solution. By working with the knowledgeable team at Neighborhood Naturopathic, you can find the personalized guidance and support needed to alleviate symptoms and unlock the full potential of this often-overlooked mineral. If you’re a new patient, we offer a free 15-minute consultation where we can get started on addressing your questions and concerns. Call (612) 259-8529 or schedule online here.

Neighborhood Naturopathic offers memberships that provide a range of member benefits, including discounted savings on IV treatments and add-ins, supplement store order discounts, priority scheduling and more. All memberships cover a three-month period and are paid in monthly installments.  Sign up for your Neighborhood Naturopathic Membership here.

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