“COVID 15” You know, the new phrase being used to describe those unwanted pounds that crept on during the stay-at-home orders? Whether you decided to take up a new hobby of baking, mindlessly noshed, or simply ate your feelings, the “COVID 15” has definitely made an appearance all over our country.

While carrying around some extra weight may not have been significant to one’s health in 2019, 2020 is proving to be quite different (of course). It is becoming increasingly clear that obesity and blood sugar dysregulation can produce more severe cases of actual COVID.

Changes in your diet, and especially exercise can dramatically improve blood sugars. In fact, just a 10-minute walk has been shown to increase insulin receptor sensitivity, helping the sugar in your blood go into your cells where it belongs! However, exercise has become a challenge for many of us that used to frequent gyms, or have children at home all day distance learning. What to do? Exercise as a family, of course!

Take a break from the screens, turn on some music, and try out this family friendly workout! No kids? No problem, check out Fitness Blender’s other workouts, they even have workout programs and meal plans! My favorite thing about Fitness Blender? Their educated personal trainers utilize evidence-based research to create safe and effective workouts.

family workout