Challenging life circumstances are a given in everyone’s life. Since we can’t control whether challenges happen or not, it’s much more helpful to find ways to build our capacity to manage whatever arises.

Here are 4 key strategies:

  • First, learn how to lean into and engage with the issue at hand. Many people want to avoid the challenge, take cover, or ignore what’s really happening. Instead, Assess the situation, decide what the priorities are, and start taking some action steps. Sometimes the most important action steps are about what you need to stop doing and other times, what you need to start doing.
  • Second, connect with others. Care and concern from others during life’s challenges is life giving. We all need help and support sometimes and it’s a sign of strength to reach out when you are in need. Each person needs something different; whether it’s a trusted friend, support group, professional, faith community, or other form of support depends on who you are.
  • Third, find mindfulness and calming techniques that work for you and practice them regularly. If you are anxious and your mind is spinning, it can be hard to know how to move forward or connect with others. The trick is to practice calming techniques when you don’t need them. Trying to learn calming techniques in the midst of really challenging situations is likely to create more anxiety.
  • Finally, remember that no one ever does anything perfectly! If you fall off course, don’t judge yourself because it only creates anxiety. Instead, be compassionate, and reconnect with your calming techniques to tell your mind things are all right.